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Sequoia Adult School collaborates with several outstanding organizations to bring additional educational advantages to our students. Explore our partner pages to gain a better understanding of this joint effort.
  • Everything you wanted to know about California's Adult Schools and then some, location, news, programs all in one convenient site.
  • Cañada College is committed to the practice of personal support and development of student success
  • Check out JobTrain to learn about the GED program and about job training. 
  • Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center, small business experts providing low-cost and free services with an idea and a dream as well as those with many years of experience working for him or her self who are ready to take the business to the next level. Currently offering a webinar to help established and new business owners.
  • Upward Scholars  Helps low-income adults, mostly immigrants, by providing them financial, academic, and community support so they can continue their education, get better jobs, and serve as role models and advocates for their children. Upward Scholars grew out of Sequoia Adult School Scholars and as their reach grew the name changed to reflect the broader mission.
  • Goodwill SF